Friday 19 October 2012

Week 12 C Look into modulatrity


Modularity was first explored in response to the link below.


Which demonstrated the ability for modularity to solve challenges of changing future circumstances as well as scale of users. Unfortunately, it was deemed impractical in the regional area of Woodford because of a lack of services and infrastructure. 

Modularity = Ephemeral Nature = Markets

Inspired by the use of framing systems such as clothes lines and portable shelving.

Provision would be for only the Framing.

Built and Assembled on site.

Unique Framing system seen in "How to Grow a City" project entry within the above link.
It would be adapted to use more available resources such as timber framing and rely on more on site work such as assemblage as to how the use wants.

Filling in the tower frame to create the vertical farm or a vertical market. (more applicable to urban market place)

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