Friday 19 October 2012

Week 12 Proposal and Assessment Criteria

This weeks lecture was aimed at prompting the thought of what we would present.

Thus, based on my understanding:

Reality: Based around my future concept from project 1 and developed to suite my sustainable market place that is focused on education through experience. Will this work in the future or is it too much to ask?

Creativity: Does the proposed architectural entity offer a solution to your perceived problem. I believe that my sustainable marketplace through being a social (education and interactive) center, economic hub and a exemplar site for future sustainable growth solved my perceived future issues revolving around sustainability (social, economic and environmental)

Purpose: Essential its a market place meets classroom situation. Its requires adaptive functions in order to interact with existing or potential future uses for the site such as the festival.

Navigation: Public and private navigation is a focus, providing secluded private and open public place is a necessity for this sort of building.

Integrity: In terms of structural and organisational integrity, the organisation around housing, agricultural, services, the festival and my building must be outlined. Also materials and components are important aspects of my architectural entity. (Timber and steel seem to be appropriate based on weight, strength and acoustic dampening properties) (also the abundance of supply (timber))

Presence and Identity: Single permanent entity, possibility of interacting through minor installments throughout the site. Other aspects of site would contain similar components/ design. Such as walkways or residential development.

First Person Experience: How both staff and users interact with my building. This is based on scale and experience, one thing I hope to achieve is a variation in space. Vision lines are important.

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