Friday 5 October 2012

Week 10 Environmental Sustainability

The architectural story.

My architectural Story is based around the generation of a sustainable envrionoment, social, economic and environmental.

The below blog site demonstrates how agniculture can be used to correct challenges that society faces today;


Through investgating a range of sites based around environmental sustainability, the key topics involved with environmental sustainability are;

Re integration of green space

unfortunately both of these sites deonstrate vertical farming and green facades / roofs in the urban setting.Principles can however be extracted and expanded within the regional setting.

Sustainable energy generation

The link above defines sustainable energy, as well as demonstratings its importance and use within todays society. My architectural development would use wind generation and solar to support itself. Through its large norther facade and open roof space, the possibilities for solar energy and photo voltaic facades are substantial.

Due the the contours and prominant ridgelines on the site, wind generation is another viable option for energy generation.

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