Friday 7 September 2012

Week 7 a Project Direction

Project Direction:

From project one we ended on the idea of a "sustainability camp" in which 'education through experience was the motto'.

Below is a rough analysis of our posters, in hind sight more graphical renders were needed to truly display what we wanted to achieve.

The key concepts from our first poster were based around population growth within the region. The emergence of regionalism over globalism and decentralization resulting in the need for a regional center which for the purpose of this project was Woodford as it roughly the center point of the three largest urban areas in the region.

The second poster demonstrated the importance of connection and flow within our site. A sustainable future embodied systems thinking as well as the concept of cradle to cradle use (re use).

The third poster looked into people and lifestyle. As project two diversified (as chosen) the groups, this is where major differentiation between focus occurred  I personally was looking towards a regional center and imagined my people to be a mixture of permanent and transitory users. And would thus have to accommodate both. Lifestyles of both needed more in-depth thought however I adopted that the world had become more sustainable in 20 years.

The final poster looked into architectural opportunities and this is where each member would deviate on design. Personally I am driven by answering how regional economies would work, mainly in relation to food. But I also acknowledge that a sustainable society incorporates more than one aspect.

# note the attention to best fit and architectural systems, I hope to incorporate this in my final design.


My initial thoughts were based around a community market, it didnt solve all my problems but it created a destination for the site and addressed two types of sustainability (social and economical) generating a lifestyle and income for the area.

The below diagram demonstrates poly-nodal developments demonstrating a regional center for services and development.

Initial thoughts on scale were dependent on travel distance, population growth and provision of infrastructure which would effect the size of the development.

Initial analysis of users showed a range of temporary, permanent and transit. Permanent would be residents, temporary would be visitors (campers or those who visited for education purposes) and transit would be market or function users.

Initial goals included;

Connection to land &
Fresh Products

Initial thoughts on purpose:

Sustainability included energy generation, population management, land use and cradle to cradle.

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