Friday 28 September 2012

Field Chapel - Ecker Architekten



Field chapel was discovered whilst looking for another architectural masterpiece in my opinion. However this entity embodies several characteristics that I need to consider in my own proposal.


The exemplar uses a timber construction demonstrating durability of exposed timber. In planning for my building I am considering using timber as a structural element due to its availability. Timber batters and shutters will provide filtered light as seen below as well as structural timber beams to support load on higher levels of the development.

Placement on Site - Fit

The fit on site is important for my architectural proposal, as seen in the image below this exemplar does not seem out of place. Partially because of the material and thus color but also because of its placement. The contrasting tree is relative to the contours of my site. I believe that through embedding the terraced design of my building it will not appear out of place in the regional setting.

Sustainable Aspect

Timber is a mark of sustainability in this design. As the materiality of a building is important I believe that its relevance of timber to my design adds to the sustainable element. What is the good of designing a building with purely sustainable technologies, if at the heart of the building it is not sustainable.


Being a chapel, height is associated. One issue this exemplar explores for me is the scale between humans and buildings. I perceive a future issue to be scale in my proposal as it needs to cater for many whilst being home to a few. This permanent development is a middle point, for my final design I intend to incorporate a flexible element to account for scale.

Semester Break - Project Development

Friday 21 September 2012

Week 9 B Project development


Basic spatial analysis was drafted out with uses such as public and private as well as the present of a eco cycle.

As seen below, material were included for thermal mass reasons and the presence of an import / export and storage services are a dominant part of the building


Disposal (Recycle)
[return to production]

The above building system aims to take out the large amount of embodied energy that is present in the storage, packaging and transportation between crop and end user that exists in today's society.


crunching the numbers

Population in surrounding regions.

Scale of development

Spatial requirements sourced from market design guide.

Spatial relation diagram: Sorting out the spaces....

Working over 2 levels.....
Adding dimensions

Field Chapel Peter Zumpthor




This exemplar demonstrates a positive change in experience throughout the building. The use of size of space (height) as seen below as well as materiality (perforated timber and concrete) creates a unique space within the entity. Two characteristics that I wish to take from this building is the use of human scale (variation for affect) and interior qualities to create mood. I aim to develop both intimate and open spaces within and around my building to demonstrate submergence within the context.

Contextual Fit

Context is important, within this specific exemplar a large some what urban form subtly sits within a regional environment. I think that material and form play a large role. The color scheme complements the surrounding grasslands and with a unified exterior the building controls simply sinks into the background whilst maintaining a significance presence.

Sketch insertion of building from public approach.

Week 9 A

Future users of your proposed architectural entity
This week we were asked to identify future users for the proposed architectural entity. I imagine around the 500 permanent population mark, enough to form a communal society. (Roughly the capacity of z 411)

On top of this there would be education visits (field trips) (company getaways and conferences)

Also, festival visitors (peak of 100,000 +)

Identify all aspects of spaces and services and imagine how you would use and navigate between and through them. (specified in previous weeks)

I picture that navigation around the site would be primarily by bike, though there would be a presence of agricultural equipment.
Buses for visitors.
Foot for festival occasions.



Week 9 Architecture is a Device.

In my opinion this weeks lecture comments that architecture is a tool for designers to reflect or direct society. Taking away the issues of scale from last week, this week I feel that I should be focusing more so on what I want to achieve / what I want my building to do.

In answer to these questions, I want to focus at reinforcing the aspects of sustainability from project one. They are social, economical and environmental. When I consider this, the logical use is a market place, it embodies interaction, currency exchange as well as promoting the idea of a closer to home source of consumer products.

A market place also offers a unique experience based on design, layout and featured products. Most markets are adaptable and by adding a demonstration component (presenting sustainable agriculture), the proposed use would answer the question of an architectural fiction.

Now I just need to narrow down on what I am going to present.

Friday 14 September 2012

Marika Alderton House - Glenn Murcutt



The Marika Alderton House is an excellent exemplar as it demonstrates adaptive architecture to the regional Australian climate as well as to diverse socio-cultural requirements.  The house needs to be both private and public due to the communal nature of Aboriginal society and as previously stated, this is one challenge of my architectural entity. 

Elevated to allow flow underneath the house

The house is adapted to the harsh Australian climate, with high ceiling and elevated floors to allow for maximum ventilation. All sides of the house are open-able to maximize through flows and cross ventilation whilst still allowing for privacy.

Ventilation can be seen below.

Light weight time and steel framing are used for materials.

The material was selected to emphasize the minimal footprint of the development as traditional aboriginal housing is nomadic. One of the goals of my architectural entity was to have a low impact on the land, either through suspending the building or replacing displaced vegetation in order to lose no green space. This would be done through both vertical and horizontal means.

Open-able Facade

As specified above the concept of public and private spaces and their relation intrigues me. I am looking to incorporate this feature within my design to provide shelter as well as cater of communal spaces.

Week 8 B project development

Project development this week involved the sketching of concepts that I wanted to incorporate into the master planning and surrounding regional area.

At the site entrance as well as along the roads of the site there are natural filters set in play.

The above ground water that is present on the site is to be guided and wider provisions to be set in. This will reduce the damage in case of flooding as well as set a background to irrigation of crops and and agricultural development.

The relation between residential the marketplace and administration must be a clear and open social space. This will allow for social sustainability.

There must be established division between public and private spaces within the site. The permanent residential area must be located in an area of seclusion in order to minimize disruption to workers when the festival is on, and the festival space during the festival period.

The use of an amphi theatre was sourced from a Roman forum which was used for trading in its time. The steps provide access and seating and could be used for terrace planing in the off peak times if designed properly.

The building must allow for inter regional, local and on site trade and movement of equipment. Access must be greeted with storage areas as markets are not daily.



The side will be used to harvest a range of agricultural produce. These are listed on the map and seen to be located along natural water course ways (purple highlighted areas)


Perspective view of the site and 

Week 8 a

This week we were asked to identify the types of spaces the user community might need in your scenarios:

Through analyzing a range of market places as well as reading the planning guide to markets I developed a list based on re occurring spatial uses.

These spaces relied on several factors, listed below;

A separate thought this week was the access to my site? As it is a regional area how do people get there? 

Train? no, not at this stage as infrastructure is both expensive and high impact. Bus loop services both on site and to the site were found to be the most efficient solution.

Break down of my society.
Progressing from last week, transition and permanent spaces were found to relate.
With the identification of users and land uses, spatial allocation began to organize themselves.

Site Size:

In order to properly develop the site, the site was analysed an experimental master planning was conducting.

Exemplar images of Market Places
The images demonstrate a framed flat area used to concentrate social interaction.

Green Roofing
Green roofing is the stereotypical response to future sustainability, a brief investigation was conducted in order to identify whether they would be relevant. It was found that they would allow the creation of a unique space and replace displaced green space.

Cultivation of roofing space.

The area identified below is the urban center of Woodford.