Thursday 30 August 2012

Week 5 a Post lecture / tutorial

Architectural Possibilities and Strategic New York.

For this weeks lecture we looked into architectural possibilities, as part of this I think it is necessary to identify what power lies within architecture. Architecture influences its surroundings, good architecture blends in whilst making a new statement.

Through looking at the High line in New York, the lecture gave inside as to how architecture can be adapted from the old to create the new. It interacts with people/ users, molds around existing elements of the built environment. Architecture has the ability to frame the good or the bad. It creates statements and thus influences the society that is exposed to it.

Another level of architectural opportunities is  the depth of thought and variation which applies to each design. The Yokohama International Port Terminal, much like New York's High Line uses a diverse range of spatial qualities to influence feelings throughout the design. The designed involved planning as to how users would interact with the architecture in itself. Additionally the age old debate of function and form can be thrown into the mix. The requirements of the users was analysed within the international terminal in order to provide private and public as well as transitional and sediment spaces.

Spatial Variation and Architectural possibilities in the Yokohama International Port Terminal.

 (Jodidio, P. 2006. Architecture: Art.

When I summarize architectural possibilities, I reach the conclusion that design is limitless. Each individual who experiences a space has different feelings and emotions. One may have similar experiences yet none will be the same. This in addition to the constant evolution of society and acceleration of technological advancements for me means that the sky is well below the limit.

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