Thursday 30 August 2012

Individual Project Statement

Project reflection.

Project one has developed my knowledge into both current and future issues that promote and plague society. Through researching our concept of education through awareness, I realised that even I was un aware to some issues with we are currently encountering as well as issues that will arise if something does not change. One cannot encompass the complexities of society and from a pessimistic view, every direction you turn you face something that could be improved. However on the alternative side, there are a lot of opportunities out to enhance of smooth out society. This I feel is where architecture and planning enter the picture.

I feel that the regional unit has given me the opportunity to think outside the box, in that I’m thinking about lifestyles different than my own. When you live in the city, you take a lot for granted. The electricity is on a grid, the sewage is a network, and food and consumer goods are simply unpacked. Its not very often that you get the chance to sit and reflect. To think about how the good get to your shelf and what is needed so that you can get out of bed, jump in your car and drive to a store. Everything from clothes to the packaged food could be considered excess.

One thing this assignment taught me is that there are two (amongst other) schools of thought about sustainability. One is the everyday tree hugger who substitutes comforts for a lifestyle close to nature. But the sustainable future I wish to embrace is one of a quality lifestyle. Sustainability to me, doesn’t have to be poverty, but simple things like pooling together as a community can make a big difference. Man's want for excess is an issue which I identified through project one. This issue has roots in so many realms of society. To change this, one will need to change the fabric, the social fabric and the build environment fabric.

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