Friday 31 August 2012

Week 6 b Project Development

During the crit of our presentation, one external tutor made the comment on an issue addressed on our first panel. Future Vision. We stated that due to the ephemeral nature of mining resources and the fact that Queensland's and partially Australia's economy is based around mining, we would need a new land use, preferably sustainable to provide economic stability. The tutor raised the issue that a large proportion of Australia's mining was controlled by China and overseas regions. This mean that Australia would need a new strength in exports. What could we produce / export? would it be possible to export energy.

Other project developments involved topics discussed but other groups such as the internal economy of a sustainable community...

...A coupon system would be useful, reducing the impact of money on society and allowing other focuses such as work, quality and allowing sustainability to have a greater say...

Week 6 a Interim Presentation

Group presentation, the presentation went well with good feedback on detail and broadness of study. Tutors said that the layout was clear, however, I feel that other groups had a better flow across their 4 panels. Ideas such as visual guide lines and timelines that were strung across the presentations appeared to read better.

As diagramming was a requirement and minimal text was suggested, I feel that our project placed in the balance of too much text and no written explanation of diagrams.

General Diversity.
There was an element of diversity throughout the year group. I believe that the tutors comments and the broadness of the brief  meant that there as some confusion leading to a range of content. Due to the scale of the project, defining human society at any point in time within 4 A2 panels is a big task. I think that our group did a good job of highlighting key issues.

Thursday 30 August 2012

Project Speech

Hi, im Alex, this is Aaron, Nickel and Alan, and we are group 8

For our investigation into a future sustainable regional community we propose the concept of education through experience, this is in response to a lack of awareness in today society by the greater population. An issue that we feel will be present in 50 years.

We looked into three aspects of sustainability that we found relevant. economic, social and environmental in order to develop a back ground context.

We analysed the site and sustainable systems which need to be integrated in order to form  the fabric of the built environment....explain mapping and diagram.

We broke down peoples and lifestyles into several categories. How lifestyles should change, motifs, sustainable principles and sustainable political views.
We briefly addressed the future of life in our community for semi permanent residents and peak visitors.

We looked into the process that would be needed in order to full fill our concept

Finally we discussed the architectural possibilities as to how architecture can guide, house and inspire our sustainable future.

Thank you.

Individual Project Statement

Project reflection.

Project one has developed my knowledge into both current and future issues that promote and plague society. Through researching our concept of education through awareness, I realised that even I was un aware to some issues with we are currently encountering as well as issues that will arise if something does not change. One cannot encompass the complexities of society and from a pessimistic view, every direction you turn you face something that could be improved. However on the alternative side, there are a lot of opportunities out to enhance of smooth out society. This I feel is where architecture and planning enter the picture.

I feel that the regional unit has given me the opportunity to think outside the box, in that I’m thinking about lifestyles different than my own. When you live in the city, you take a lot for granted. The electricity is on a grid, the sewage is a network, and food and consumer goods are simply unpacked. Its not very often that you get the chance to sit and reflect. To think about how the good get to your shelf and what is needed so that you can get out of bed, jump in your car and drive to a store. Everything from clothes to the packaged food could be considered excess.

One thing this assignment taught me is that there are two (amongst other) schools of thought about sustainability. One is the everyday tree hugger who substitutes comforts for a lifestyle close to nature. But the sustainable future I wish to embrace is one of a quality lifestyle. Sustainability to me, doesn’t have to be poverty, but simple things like pooling together as a community can make a big difference. Man's want for excess is an issue which I identified through project one. This issue has roots in so many realms of society. To change this, one will need to change the fabric, the social fabric and the build environment fabric.

Week 5 c Readings

Isozaki, A., 1999. Erasing architecture into the system. In H. U. Obrist, ed. Re: CP. Birkhäuser Architecture, pp. 24–47. 

This weeks reading was promoting the power of design. My interpretation in regards to our future sustainable societies is it is an example of an alternative approach, stepping away from the architectural norm. I think it emphasizes that there is never just one approach. I think that this reading will effect the mentality that i take into designing project 2.

By reversing the process of multiple functionality in an architects design, you can consider the environment that the design will be placed. The surrounding environment presents a diverse range of opportunities that the design can utilize. I think that this article is leading towards the use of efficient systems . 

Week 5 b Project Development

When considering architectural possibilities it was back to the drawing board. I think this week gave us a chance to review our future societies, starting at the finish and looking back. This week we gave our societies context a boost. Research was based around what architecture would be around in 50 years, what sort of technology would we have in 50 years and what is wrong with the world today.

  • Addressing Queensland economic stability Mining -> agriculture
  • Political Organisation -> Governmental body that come with an Australia wide planning act- in order to understand macro (regional) and micro (local) issues in their entirety.
  • Architectural systems form a seamless fabric that has technology integrated into it.
The following article demonstrates the importance of predicting the future as well as highlighting issues such as the shift from fossil fuels and the role of technological advancement.

Endenburg, P. 2012. How the World will look like in the next 50 years.

I think this week I have adopted a optimistic approach to envisioning the future. Through my research i have become enlightened on  issues that plague society, and I now propose that the future can only be better, because if it gets any worse there wont be a future. With this thought in mind, our future sustainable community  wasn't the only aspect of our future society that had to adopt sustainable technologies. If our future was to exist society (macro scale) had to be aware, at the bare minimum of sustainable living. And with that reasoning our community (micro scale) had to push the sustainable boundaries.

In order to produce an advanced sustainable community, we had to build on current day sustainable communities as identified last week. 2020 Science promotes several technological advancements that will emerge within the decade. Smart grids, alternative energy, data integration and geo-engineering are among the more interesting topics. For more information please consult the link below.

Maynard, A. 2009. Ten emerging technology trends to watch over the next decade.

Week 5 a Post lecture / tutorial

Architectural Possibilities and Strategic New York.

For this weeks lecture we looked into architectural possibilities, as part of this I think it is necessary to identify what power lies within architecture. Architecture influences its surroundings, good architecture blends in whilst making a new statement.

Through looking at the High line in New York, the lecture gave inside as to how architecture can be adapted from the old to create the new. It interacts with people/ users, molds around existing elements of the built environment. Architecture has the ability to frame the good or the bad. It creates statements and thus influences the society that is exposed to it.

Another level of architectural opportunities is  the depth of thought and variation which applies to each design. The Yokohama International Port Terminal, much like New York's High Line uses a diverse range of spatial qualities to influence feelings throughout the design. The designed involved planning as to how users would interact with the architecture in itself. Additionally the age old debate of function and form can be thrown into the mix. The requirements of the users was analysed within the international terminal in order to provide private and public as well as transitional and sediment spaces.

Spatial Variation and Architectural possibilities in the Yokohama International Port Terminal.

 (Jodidio, P. 2006. Architecture: Art.

When I summarize architectural possibilities, I reach the conclusion that design is limitless. Each individual who experiences a space has different feelings and emotions. One may have similar experiences yet none will be the same. This in addition to the constant evolution of society and acceleration of technological advancements for me means that the sky is well below the limit.

Friday 24 August 2012

Week 4 d Readings

Manaugh, G., 2007. Architectural weaponry: an interview with Mark Wigley BLDGBLOG

This weeks readings gave me an insight in to the affects of architecture, and architectural related publications on people and their lifestyles. The discussion on the role and responsibilities of architects as designers was based around the influence we have. To link sustainability we have an option to change to scales that balance environmental sustainability vs low economic cost.

The article describes how it is our role to challenge the norm. Design as an innovative art can push progression on a number of social issues. The arrangement of space and ability to design human interaction means that through efficient architectural systems we can guide users.

The effect of architecture and architectural systems on society can be illustrated through sustainable building design. To design a space so that the requirement for artificial climatisation is non existent means that there is choice for users to be unsustainable but as it is more effort to do so, thus it will most likely not happen.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Week 4 c Queensland's Initiative

The Following link demonstrates an initiative by the Queensland state government in educating and implementing sustainable principle.

This gives our overlying concept an element of reality as the process has already begun. With appropriate legislation, education and implementation, our future does not have to be a bleak one.
The article investigates challenges to do with sustainability as well as the role of education in creating sustainable communities.

The article donates key principles to our cause:

  • Transformation and change- lifestyles
  • Education and life long learning- public understanding
  • Systems thinking- relationships between societal aspects
  • Envisioning a better future- power of foresight
  • Critical thinking and reflection- challenging the norm
  • Participation- public and private
  • Partnerships for change
Australian Government. Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts. 2009. Living Sustainably.

Week 4 b Future Development

This week our group developed a vague context and purpose for our future sustainable community.

We looked at the topic of
*Education through experience*

After a group discussion a closed loop sustainable community for an acceptable number of people (approximately 500 - the size of z 411) was in the short term impossible. Without input from outside manufacturers how could we facilitate technological growth? and how could we support a large scale music festival?

Instead we decided to look at problems in society today as well as what humans really need in life?
The following link gives an insight into the wasteful lifestyles that we as a 1st world country partake in as well as how societal divergence is most likely not the answer

(, 2012)

Once we identified that society and lifestyles had to change we looked into why we had made little progress to date? Sure we have a sustainable mindset to designs, the green star system, green energy and a number of other sustainable initiatives but we are lacking in a general societal understanding. We propose the problem is education and a lack of awareness from the general population.

awareness = education -----> experience

We started thinking that our sites future usage would be to educate the public, a sustainability camp of sorts. Groups could rotate through creating a permanent use for the site.

The following video is of Terramor Village, a current day community which has sustainability design into it. If this is what we can do now, the idea of a sustainability camp, giving people the experience oh what a more sustainable life could be like is most definitely achievable. In 50 years where could we be?

(, 2012)

For the festival:

Finally, in order to support a large scale festival, how could we provide for the population. The site has the space, but the food and other necessary supplies?

Well, the idea of our education through experience, as well as longer festivals such as Splendor in the Grass, gave us the idea that what if people who attended the festival lived in similar developments, and everybody brought their own food and supplies. The festival is short so packaging and waste would be a smaller issue, but the food would be fresh and not over work surrounding regions of Woodfordia.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Week 4 a Post Lecture And Tutorial

People and Life Styles:

This weeks lecture asked a number questions about characters scenes and sets, in order to help us develop a realistic and well resolved future sustainable society. One challenge on the road to a future sustainable society is an almost inevitable change in lifestyle which is emphasized throughout this unit.

Things that our group considered this week were jobs and day to day activities. To start we identified primary needs that will always be at the base of human existence through Maslow's hierarchy of needs (seen below)

Teh, I. 2011. Running Man. Accessed from

Needs towards the bottom of the table would definitely be present in our future society, for example; food, shelter and excretion. The table can then be expanded into what people need, for example; relationships and respect. Our society must encapsulate these aspects as well, however, with a life style change, means of interaction and thus the way we form and relate to one another will be changed.

Our future society is heading towards a small permanent/semi permanent community, in which physical interaction would be on a greater level. The trades and exchanges of services and goods would entertain citizens. The presence of technology within society would not be abolished, however a sustainable society in our minds can not be based around digital interaction and distractions. Entertainment is a source of waste, and if possible personal entertainment should be minimized.

Radick, S. 2011. The Hierarchy of Needs for Social Media Evangelists. Social Media Strategery. Accessed from

This above image is a modified hierarchy of needs, which better contains what our society would strive for. training and knowledge as a basis. Job satisfaction and passion for work would be necessary in order to participate actively in community activities. This hierarchy could be translated in addition to Maslow's basic needs to form a social context to our future society and its peoples wants and needs.

Thursday 16 August 2012

Week 3 c Readings

Shearing Layers.
Brand, S., 1997. Shearing Layers, in How buildings learn : what happens after they’re built, London: Phoenix Illustrated. pp12-23

This article for me highlighted two main ideas; cradle to cradle (resource life cycles) as well as the need for constant updates and requirments of the built environment which gives rise to the opportunity for change/ progression. 

The continous partial everywhere.
Zelfde, J. V., 2012. "The aspatial city." The continuous partial everywhere.

The continous partial everywhere is  a possibility in most future realities,with the current rate of technological devleopment the sky is the limit. Ubiquitous technologies, or the realtime digital feedback of our surroundings will form a transparent layer that is integrated into our urban, suburan and regional developments.

(Kawade. M, 2012)

The above image demonstrates the information input which will create the future network and be integrated into the urban fabric. With the vast amount of imput, the ability for real time feedback will be part of a future societies.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Week 3 b Future Development

This week in order to develop my sustainable future, I decided to look at carrying capacity as mentioned in the lecture. This calculator ( is designed to work out the total carrying capacity, that is the maximum amount of people that Australia can manage.

To develop my sustainable regional settlement, I looked into the categories in which you could manipulate percentile statistics. (Food- (Waste)-Climate- Agriculture-Textiles-Fuel-Timber-Infrastructure and natural reserve)

The list above gives a broad range of what society needs to function. I would firstly like to add water, it is a precious resource and my future society will need to have sustainable water management. Possibly through water recycling (grey water) and the use of water tanks. More than likely filtration systems will be needed in order to use rain water and catchment of surface water for human means.

The link below is Melbourne's (Victoria, Australia) state governmental site which addresses water and waste usage.

City of Melbourne. 2012. Environmental Policies.
The image above demonstrates Melbourne water budget, effective use of water is essential in a sustainable society.

City of Melbourne. 2012. Environmental Policies.

Secondly, this week I would like to develop the basis of waste management. As a sustainable society of possibly 500? roughly z 411 lecture theater in my mind is achievable. It would be possible to farm/ use agriculture to provide the basic food necessities, thus removing a substantial amount of waste from the system. However, a small society would not be able to produce technology/ exist as a closed loop system. For products that do produce waste, a Japanese style recycling system would be used and policy developed to enforce correct management.

The below site gives an insight into how Japan, minimizes waste and maximizes recycling.

I think a boarder around the community could act as a barrier to many pollutants. A central entrance, collection and distribution building could be used where community members are employed to pack/ unpack and sustsuainably manage outside waste.

Next thought, Energy?

Sunday 12 August 2012

Week 3 a Post Lecture and Tutorial

This week in the lecture and tutorial we looked into sustainable futures, this introduced me into two interesting topics; carrying capacity and patterns.

The lecture was aimed at identifying that there is a diverse range of contextual features that will impact the future and through slight variation our imagined futures could change vastly. The easiest example to grasp that I identified was what happens when coal runs out? As coal (a major fuel source) is exhaustible society (social and economical aspects) would in theory crash over night. However, once the issue is identified, we can plan for a future which would allow preservation of society through an adaptation of lifestyle or resources. That is, lifestyles may become more physically active or an alternative (more efficient or sustainable) fuel source could be adapted.

One key point from this week that interests me is that lifestyles will change in the future. Society today can not be maintained due to a variety of reason (food production limits, growing population, fuel exhaustion, limit to shelter/space... ect). This will be a key point that i must address in my future scenario, the possibility of using sustainable energy generation and non exhaustible fuel sources to power society.

Secondly, patterns, or processes as I better understand them. A pattern is a detail in which gives our future society an element of reality. It is used and interacts with other patterns to form a mesh which is our future. Though within the tutorial I did not successfully grasp patterns. To my knowledge, a pattern comes from an underlying principle. For example; (principle) efficient recycling in order to reduce waste to land fill. The pattern is how the principle is achieved. 

Broken into three areas...

  1. Need (saving space and resources) 
  2. Time Frame (Once established, the management system will stay in place until a more sustainable form of waste management or re use is available) 
  3. Space (House/ wider community)

Pattern: Each house will be equipped with a Japanese style recycling system in which strict rules enforce that waste is re used to its full potential. 

Space (communal)

Pattern: Production of packaging will be minimized due to availability of fresh food. Objects sourced from outside the community will be unpacked and distributed at a central point, in which paid workers will break down and manage waste. The use of non recyclable materials in packing or any other from of life will be reduced as much as possible.

Through patterns it is easier to understand and detail our future, through justification an element of reality can be added. I found that when patterns mesh together, society is more understandable as for me, they represent a way to break down and modify our future scenarios.

Friday 10 August 2012

Week 2 c Defining aspects of society

This week when considering future issues in order to present a realistic future, we looked into societal aspects to define a social fabric for our sustainable community as well as its surround areas.

The aspects which were common amongst most sources we investigated were; social, economical and environmental both built and natural. These aspects could then be further expanded into; political, the government, social interaction, funding, finance and various forms of infrastructure. Through analyzing the four initial aspects and defining points in sub categories we can build a web which represents the context in which our sustainable community exists within.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Week 2 b Project Development and the Readings.

This weeks I focused on two major topics; firstly, the impact of a changing climate on society and secondly, how society defines sustainability. My thoughts were initially directed to the consideration in planning the built environment, communities and settlements. I think it is necessary at this point to mention that the context of the settlement/ development must be analysed before considering sustainable development. This is because although we are moving towards a global society diversity of place and space will always be present. In my future all developments will be meticulously planned to the extent that strategic planning "frameworks" will no exist. Teams will be responsible for planning development with the past, present and future in mind.

Barton's reading, urban form and locality gives an insight into the planning and management of higher densities in order to combat population growth. As the population of the world growing at a rapid rate, either policies must be implemented to reduce growth or management strategies must be devised to deal with this future issue.

Barton, H., 2000. Urban form and locality. In H. Barton, ed. Sustainable communities: the potential for eco-neighbourhoods. London: Earthscan, pp. 105-122.

Fackler's reading made me consider the impact and previous warnings/mistakes that have taken place in the past. I think that this will shape the world to a greater extent, as Ambrose Bierce said "There is nothing new under the sun but there are lots of old things we dont know". History has a great impact in my future, the concepts of threats, health, finance ect. revolve around previous and current events. In order to predict the future you must understand the past.

Fackler also generates the topic; "the role of technology" through his reading. Japan demonstrates a society that has used technological advancements in combination with infrastructure development such as sea walls to expand and protect the build environment. With greater technology, protection and expansion beyond previously establish physical boundaries is possible. The role elements? New uses?

(Fackler, M., 2011. Tsunami Warnings, Written in Stone. Accessed August 2012.

In my opinion, technology will move in the direction of integration into lifestyles to a greater extent than today. Most of the people in today's world have access to technology, younger generations can not travel without a phone or entertainment device. The world is moving into a new era, social interaction is being re defined and this is a future issue.

Ubiquitous technology, a sort of constant real time global connection of everything via a digital means is the future. Developments building management systems will be connected, to emergency services. Machines already call to be restocked by themselves, this is truly only the beginning of a technologically reliant age. To me this poses both problems and benefits for future societies

Finally, sustainability, the meaning of sustainability needs to be investigated. What does it mean in different contexts. From Motavalli's reading, I identified that sustainable and green are tag lines, nothing more than promotions in some cases leading to financial benefit. Through the lecture and the tutorial we explored a closed sustainable system. Where production, use and waste work in an endless cycle. Is this even possible?

Motavalli, J., 2011. A History of Greenwashing: How Dirty Towels Impacted the Green Movement. Accessed 28 July 2012.

Moving on to energy production as a future issue, coal is an ephemeral resource. How will the world work when it runs out. We need something clean and efficient to drive the motors of the future, the world relies on electricity now? Two possibilities; the world is thrown back into the stone age. Or we could find something amazing to shoot us higher into the skies.

Monday 6 August 2012

Week 2a Post Lecture / Tutorial

This weeks lecture and tutorial gave a greater insight into the unit, its projects and our possible future scenarios. The re-identification of site and issues that each tutorial group would address demonstrated an more in depth study of each problem;

Urban Theme: a city with no cars,

Suburban Theme: the future of retail shopping,

Regional Theme: sustainable community

Virtual Theme: **** I found this confusing however upon greater investigation, I believe "conceptual" is a word that encompasses the focus of this tutorial. 

    *virtual is a group which can address any problem of the above groups.*

My preferences were; 
1. urban as a city without cars is a foreseeable future, the idea of using public transport to a level which is as easy as using a personal vehicle is interesting in itself. But I am mainly fascinated in the use of space which is currently for cars? what will happen to the waste? to the carparks and basements? and will roads turn into a large almost public balcony?

I say public balcony, as in my future, i predict public transport to be run underground and for walkways to be suspended thus making the ground plain a middle floor in which life forms interact. Such as New York's Highline, seen below.

Williams, D. 2009. New York's Highline 'eco' Park opens in June.

2. Regional, with less thought and consideration the idea of a purely sustainable community is fascinating. Waste and energy cycles? compartmentalization and what is the over all function? No part of my mind considers a festival to be sustainable? is having a field which can be trampled before being left to regrow one of the only truly green responses? a lack of development could be sustainable and green.

3. Suburban, shopping is a fascinating venture. throughout the tutorial we explored each tutorial theme, surburban was broken down into several elements for me. The advertising, trialing, buying, packing, transport, embodied energy, individualization and customization. I think that department store will become just a place to try before you buy. for one reason, its cheaper. But who knows what the future will hold.

Friday 3 August 2012

week 1 c Defining sustainability

In order to understand the reasoning behind defining a future sustainable concept, one must first define sustainability.

In order to define sustainability I started two main searches;

What is sustainability?

The best source I found that defines sustainability was the Environmental Protection Agency ( USA).

"Sustainability is important to making sure that we have and will continue to have,  the water, materials, and resources to protect human health and our environment."

Sustainability is about preservation, both health and society.

"Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment.  Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations."

(United State Environmental Protection Agency, 2012)

I understand that sustainability is relevant to more aspects of society than simply the environment. Developing the idea of  sustainability as a principle it is important that it is both applied and embodied in everyday life.

The link below from, demonstrates a well rounded and in depth explanation of sustainability.

Defining Sustainability:

(, 2012)

What is a sustainable society?

There are many examples of sustainable minded societies, however a truly sustainable society does not exist. Sustainable Society USA, abruptly summerises the concept behind a sustainable minded community.

"A sustainable society is one that can progress without catastrophic setbacks in the foreseeable future."

Chen, S. 2007. What is a sustainable community.

In today's society, with maintaining current lifestyle levels and qualities of life, a sustainable society is not achievable. We are too wasteful in the manner that we live, and we live to consume. The sustainable future ahead should strive to achieve the above principle.

Thursday 2 August 2012

Week 1 b Pre Tutorial and Readings

Thoughts on the readings.

Through engaging with the readings as well as putting myself into the future, it has come to my attention that people, technology and basic requirements such as food, water and shelter will form the basis of my sustainable future.

All forms of life and/or inanimate objects have been connected on a scientific level, but I believe the connection will be stretched to a new extreme. The idea of a digital connection is growing in my mind. Monitoring and adjusting, control of the surrounding elements will happen at ease, I think life in the future could be less life than present life.

After reading:

Sadler, S., 2005. Beyond Architecture. In. Archigram: Architecture Without Architecture, Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. pp90-138

My thoughts were guided towards dealing with population and what built forms would consist of. The idea of modularity was presented by sadler, a modular life has been identified since the mid sixties. From living in a city and a dorm, the idea of smaller adjustable or interchangeable spaces intrigues me. Units must be standardized to the extent that conversion is not an issue and exchange is complete with ease. The simple motion of plugging in a component or removing an unwanted idea. 

As my mind wanders, i believe that in the future, digital and physical life will have their boundaries blurred.

The last thought was one which revolved around supporting life, and how modular design is mixed with nodal planning and cluster communities which would be self sufficient. The earth as we know it is running out of resources, better management can only support so much life. What drastic actions are needed?

Week 1 a After lecture

Arch Design 8 Week 1 After lecture and before tutorial

This weeks lecture laid out the grand theme for the semester which revolves around envisioning future needs and responding to perceived environments.

Out of the 4 possible tutorial groups that we were asked to think about I am most drawn toward the suburban theme. I imagine myself dealing with issues around population; resource management, shelter and future possible life styles.

What is the Future of Australia, Queensland or Brisbane. What will happen when mining runs out?, when cities over flow, when sprawl explodes outwards or when the food runs out. How will we support life, a number of lives? quality of life? or even the earths ephemeral nature.